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Would you like to support our efforts?

"Public engagement, community support, and adequate resources are essential to the success of public education."


Robot on Wheels

The main goal of the Foundation is to annually provide mini-grants.


These give teachers an opportunity to put innovative ideas into practice that would not otherwise be possible through their normal operating budget.


We believe these grants are exceptionally effective because they're able to put funds directly into the classroom!


To ensure that there will always be the funding we need to enhance the quality of education for Genoa-Kingston students, the Education Foundation created a permanent endowment fund.


Each year, our board of directors use a portion of the accumulated interest to fund projects that benefit a variety of students.

Mouse Races

This year's mouse race will be held at the Genoa Veterans Home on March 09, 2024, at 7:00 PM.


The proceeds from this event are used to fund our mini-grants to the local school district.


This is a fun event that directly benefits today's classrooms and students; so make sure toave the date!

Our Mission Is Simple:


To provide funding to enhance educational programming in the Genoa-Kingston school district


And to create and build a lasting source of revenue to not only benefit the Genoa-Kingston School District but benefit our children who will one day become the strong leaders of our community


If you would like to make a general donation online, you can select the donate button below,

or download a paper donation form and select "Gift in Kind"

Any Amount

Gift in Kind

Make a Donation of Any Amount

Mouse Sponsorships

If you would like to sponsor a mouse using your credit card or PayPal, simply click one of the Buy Now buttons below,

or download a paper donation form.


Mouse Sponsor

With your donation please add a note with the name of your mouse.


Cheese Curd Sponsor

With your donation please add a note requesting how you would like to be recognized at the event.


Big Cheese Sponsor

With your donation please add a note requesting how you would like to be recognized at the event.

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